So you are thinking about Buying a K-Cup coffee brewer? Here are 5 reasons here are a few good reasons why I switched to this system.
A few years ago when I first used a Keurig K-Cup coffee machine I knew it would be the only way I would be making coffee in the future. There are many benefits of using K-Cups instead of brewing instant coffee or brewing a pot of coffee.
1) There is no mess to clean up. If you ever spilled coffee into the water tank on your coffee pot you know what a pain it is to have to clean that up. You end up washing the brewer for a half hour and then you have to make a pot and that takes time.
2) Its convenient, you just choose a k-cup and place it in the Keurig and in about 30 seconds you have a fresh cup of coffee.
3) Flavor: If you like a certain flavor you no longer have to make a whole pot and have the family hate you because they don't like that flavor coffee.
4) Choices: There are many flavors to choose from, you can have a pumpkin spice coffee anytime you wish and then have something else with your next cup. You can have a different flavor with each meal.
5) Family: You are not locked into one flavor for the whole family, you can buy what each member of the family likes. This is the best feature of having a Keurig.
I could go on all day as I love my k cup brewer, I can see a time in the future where it will become a household name. People will be saying can you make me a Keurig instead of calling it a cuup of coffee. If you are on the fence about getting one because of the price find someone that has one and ask them if they like it. Have them make you a cup of coffee this way and you can see how great these new tech coffee pots are.